On 11th Feb, 2023 – the day of PTM, school hosted Science Exhibition. The school Chairperson, Smt. Usha Munjal inaugurated the event. School Manager,Mr Chetan Munjal congratulated all the participants and admired their efforts.
A number of students as young & budding Scientists showcased their scientific temperament by exhibiting models related to wireless communication, eco-friendly material, bio-sensors, high beam electronic accidental reduce technology, modified zebra crossing, hydroponics in the environmental concern, the future of Agriculture & Water Harvesting kits. Students were asked to choose their best favourite topic and create something to explain. They made still models, colourful charts, posters & working models. All of them exhibited their best hidden talents and abilities both verbally & mentally.
The staff wished them for putting their best.
All the students were excited & the parents were amazed after witnessing such scenario.

